Notes from the Heart of a Servant

1 Peter 4:10-11 (Amplified) instructs us:

10 As each of you has received a gift (a particular spiritual talent, a gracious divine endowment), employ it for one another as [befits] good trustees of God’s many-sided grace [faithful stewards of the extremely Diverse powers and gifts granted to Christians by unmerited favor].

11 Whoever speaks, [let him do it as one who utters] oracles of God; whoever renders service, [let him do it] as with the strength which God furnishes abundantly, so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ (the Messiah). To Him be the glory and dominion forever and ever (through endless ages). Amen (so be it).

Every person that is born again is equipped with a spiritual gift to assist the local church and the body of Christ in transforming lives. When a life is changed, a family is changed and ultimately, a community is changed.
In major cities across the United States there can be as many as four to five churches residing on a single city block. Unfortunately, high crime and poverty rates occasionally occupy this same space. People need answers and I wholeheartedly believe the local church has the answers to resolve the trouble we see in these areas.
With so much suffering and pain in the world, if the body of Christ and the local church will demonstrate the powerful deliverance found in Jesus Christ, those who are laboring under the world’s system of poverty, sickness, and utter hopelessness will run to Him.
As people are trained to walk in their God-given gifts and are edified by the Bible, they can be the true ambassadors God has called for such a time as this. This is the time for the local church. If every joint supplies we will see the glory of the Lord manifest around the world.
My heart is to know and bring about the will of God on earth. Notes from the Heart of a Servant gives you my personal insights on how to achieve this, and warn of the hindrances that I have seen to the unity that is required for the church to succeed.

Serving is the Key (Article by Kandace Brown)

​While a church is filled with pastors, elders, bishops and deacons, Victory Christian Church International in Gaithersburg, Md. has an author among them. Elder John Stephenson of VCCI has recently published a book entitled “Notes From the Heart of a Servant.” This self-help book focuses on the importance of coming together to spread the will of God around the Earth, but also understanding that uniting by serving the local church is necessary to do so.
​Stephenson believes that in order for the word of God to be spread, everyone needs to do their part in the church. He thinks that the best way for it to be spread is people actually living out the will of God, and not just speaking it. “There’s power in the word being preached, and we’ll experience that, but there’s nothing like seeing someone live something out,” he said.
​One of the many issues in the local church is many members attending the church, but not serving in ministry. According to Stephenson, everyone adds to the church, and everyone has a supply. “If I add my part, and you add your part, and other people add their part to the local church, it makes us that much stronger,” he stated. Stephenson discusses how according to the Bible, we are all one body of Christ, but the local church is a small portion of that. In order for it to work, everyone must serve. “It [the local church] is just one fraction of the body of Christ,” he said. One can easily see how strongly he feels about this matter when reading his book. Stephenson has been serving in ministry for over 20 years, so it is definitely safe to say, many people could benefit from what he has to say on this matter.
​Upon discussing this book with Stephenson, it is not hard to quickly discover that this astute man’s heart is filled with the yearning to serve, not just the local church, but everyone. Stephenson is Chief Visionary Officer of John Stephenson Ministries Inc., which he refers to as JSM. The ministry was established in 2010. “The purpose of that ministry [JSM], in short, is to inspire people to serve their gift to the world,” he says. He believes that everyone has something that God has put in them that they can perfect to use it and serve people with it. This, he feels, will help change the world. “Love gives. God so loved the world that he gave, so we’re supposed to give,” he said. Stephenson feels that God loved us so he gave us His son to serve us. He said, “If we look at it from that perspective, we can take on a different outlook to life. I’m not just here for myself, I’m here to love and serve my gift to the world.”
​One project JSM has going on is called the Friends of Ruth project, which was named after his late mother. The program is targeted towards single mothers, and the elderly. The inspiration from this project drew from his mother being a single mom. “It is to encourage single moms that you can make it, and you can do it. Even if you don’t have the father or husband, God has never left you.”
​“Notes From the Heart of a Servant” contains excerpts from his next book entitled “Servability.” Stephenson says that “Notes From the Heart of a Servant” gives an overview of what can happen when everyone comes together in a local church. “Servability will go to the individual and tell you how it can happen,” he said. “Notes From the Heart of a Servant” is directed toward people in ministry although everyone should feel the urge to serve in their local church. Despite the anticipation people are experiencing for the next book to arrive, Stephenson has hopes for this book. “From this particular book, I’m really praying that people can grow away from selfishness, and really focus on their part in the local church.” Everyone who reads this book should feel inspired by Stephenson’s powerful message to serve God, their church, and everyone around them. “My core value is, I love, I serve, I give.”