The Blessing in you is your Brand

We all have something we are graced/blessed to do. Most likely it is the thing that we’ve ignored or just do casually for personal enjoyment. It is possible that you have overcome some extremely difficult challenges, and now you can effectively serve someone else with your process of change.

Let’s define a few words for the sake of this post.
The meaning of the word blessed is to cause to prosper, to make happy, to bestow blessings onto; favored of God.
You have all of this in Christ (the anointed one with the anointing), which is in you. The ability to prosper is in you; the capability to be happy and release joy is in you; the unexplainable favor of God is in you. As much as we would like to believe the anointing or blessings fall from heaven; they are released from within you. (To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory; Colossians‬ ‭1‬:‭27‬ KJV).
The divine power of God is present with you right now.

In business a brand is a name, term, design or other feature that distinguishes one seller’s product from those of others.
Everyone has been gifted with a unique talent, wisdom, or service that no one else can provide in the manner you can. Those ideas that seem outrageous, might be a God idea (empowerment) that can transform your life and the life of another.

Your destiny is waiting to explode, you need to ignite the fuse by lighting the match of creativity. We need what you have and can’t wait to experience the gift, talent, wisdom, or service that was assigned to you from the foundations of the earth.

This world originated from the spiritual, and according to Ephesians, the creative empowerment to change your life and the lives of others is in you.

You are the answer to someone’s challenge, someone’s need to smile or their need of encouragement; work towards developing and enhancing your brand so the world can experience the God in you.
iLoveiGiveiServe (1 Peter 4:10 NIV)

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: (‭Ephesians‬ ‭1‬:‭3-4‬ KJV

Notes from the Heart of a Servant

1 Peter 4:10-11 (Amplified) instructs us:

10 As each of you has received a gift (a particular spiritual talent, a gracious divine endowment), employ it for one another as [befits] good trustees of God’s many-sided grace [faithful stewards of the extremely Diverse powers and gifts granted to Christians by unmerited favor].

11 Whoever speaks, [let him do it as one who utters] oracles of God; whoever renders service, [let him do it] as with the strength which God furnishes abundantly, so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ (the Messiah). To Him be the glory and dominion forever and ever (through endless ages). Amen (so be it).

Every person that is born again is equipped with a spiritual gift to assist the local church and the body of Christ in transforming lives. When a life is changed, a family is changed and ultimately, a community is changed.
In major cities across the United States there can be as many as four to five churches residing on a single city block. Unfortunately, high crime and poverty rates occasionally occupy this same space. People need answers and I wholeheartedly believe the local church has the answers to resolve the trouble we see in these areas.
With so much suffering and pain in the world, if the body of Christ and the local church will demonstrate the powerful deliverance found in Jesus Christ, those who are laboring under the world’s system of poverty, sickness, and utter hopelessness will run to Him.
As people are trained to walk in their God-given gifts and are edified by the Bible, they can be the true ambassadors God has called for such a time as this. This is the time for the local church. If every joint supplies we will see the glory of the Lord manifest around the world.
My heart is to know and bring about the will of God on earth. Notes from the Heart of a Servant gives you my personal insights on how to achieve this, and warn of the hindrances that I have seen to the unity that is required for the church to succeed.